
Research & Technical Writing

Design research methodologies. Collect data. Analyze and report. Present findings to management, staff, and key stakeholder groups. Analyze and synthesize technical and complex information. Convey content through clear and user-friendly text and eye-catching visual aids.

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Strategic Planning & Management

Understand the external and internal environment, analyze potential impacts, explore options and make the right decisions for your organization and your clients. Use proven planning tools and techniques for strategy development and implementation. Set priorities and define clear logical outcome.

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Organizational Design & Development

Identify dysfunctional aspects of workflow, procedures, structures, and systems and strategically realign. Design an implementation plan and implement change. Use tools and techniques to increase trust among employees, evaluate levels of satisfaction and engagement, manage conflict and issues, and work collaboratively.

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Evaluation & Performance Measurement

Assess your organization’s policies, programs and projects for the purpose of decision-making program improvement. Arrive at judgments, conclusions, and findings. Employ methodological rigour and third-party objectivity. Ensure that your objectives and goals are consistently, effectively, and efficiently met by aligning your resources, processes, and systems to strategic outcomes and priorities. Develop performance measurement and management practices and tools

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